Toastmasters Timer’s Script

In today’s Toastmasters meeting I took a role as a Timer for the first time. Since it was a Zoom meeting, I used the virtual background that represented stoplight (available for download at: For the stopwatch, I used the Toastmasters mobile app ( which allowed me to easily count the time for each speech session. In addition, I had a printed timer log sheet to record the time for each speaker.

The following was my script:

Good evening everyone, in life we use time extensively to measure our progress and success. That’s why we must set a time limit for any goals that we want to achieve. 

Likewise in Toastmasters, there is a pre-defined time limit set for each speech. And as the Timer today, my role is to alert each speaker of the time they have left, using this green, yellow, and red virtual stoplight, which denotes specific times remaining. On that note, let me tell you the time limits for each session.

For the Table Topic session, the time allotted is 1 to 2 minutes. At 1 minute, I will flash the green light, at 1 minute and 30 seconds I will flash the yellow light, and at 2 minutes I will flash the red light.

For the prepared speech session, the time allotted is 5 to 7 minutes. At 5 minutes I will flash the green light, at 6 minutes I will flash the yellow light and at 7 minutes I will flash the red light.

And for the speech evaluations, the time limit is 2 to 3 minutes. At 2 minutes, I will flash the green light, at 2 minutes and 30 seconds I will flash the yellow light, and at 3 minutes I will flash the red light.

All speakers have 30 seconds after the red light is flashed each time to wrap up your speech.

I will present my report when called upon. Thank you and let’s have a cheerful evening! 🙂

Please note that, the Word of the Evening for today’s meeting was: Cheerful

A software engineer, a toastmaster, and a hobbyist photographer. Love to spend time reading, learning and experiencing new things, traveling, and thinking :)

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