Nikko Trip

This year has not yet been a friendly year for traveling. However, it is doable to travel locally in Japan recently. Thanks to the Go To Travel campaign that promoted and encourages domestic traveling by offering discount benefits for travel expenses.

Over the last weekend, I took my solo trip to Nikko in Tochigi prefecture. It is one of the popular destinations best known for its rich nature and world heritage shrines and temples. With the Nikko All Area pass, I spent four days exploring the area with unlimited bus and train rides. However, since I traveled in a relaxing mode, I couldn’t cover everything that Nikko has to offer.

Visiting Nikko during autumn was a mesmerizing experience. Most of the time, I found myself enjoying spending time in nature appreciating and admiring the beauty of autumn foliage and waterfalls. There are beautiful lakes and mountains that create breathtaking landscapes and scenery. Apart from that, what not to miss out in Nikko is tasting the local famous Yuba (tofu skin) cuisines. There are varieties of Yuba dishes served at many local restaurants.

While the coronavirus situation hasn’t subsided yet, traveling during this time can be risky. But the good thing is it is less crowded, and by keeping good hygiene and practicing protective measures, I think it is safe enough to go.

If some of you plan to visit Japan when it is possible to travel again and haven’t visited Nikko yet, don’t forget to insert this place into your post-Covid-19 travel bucket list. And in case you need a travel companion, please feel free to drop me a line… 🙂

A software engineer, a toastmaster, and a hobbyist photographer. Love to spend time reading, learning and experiencing new things, traveling, and thinking :)

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