My speech as a new elected VPM of Otemachi Toastmasters Club

Hi everyone!  

Being a member of Toastmasters International, especially a member of Otemachi Toastmasters Club is something that I always feel proud of. I remember when I visited Otemachi Club for the first time, I was warmly welcomed by our current Vice President Membership (VPM) TM Hinako and by all amazing members and I immediately felt the chemistry that this is the right club for me and here I am with the club for almost one year now. 

Before I decided to run as a VPM candidate, I asked myself three questions:

Why do I want to be a VPM?
What quality do I have?
What can I offer? 

I see this opportunity as a growth opportunity for me to develop my leadership skills. What inspires me to choose this specific role is the people of our club. Everyone is amazing and I do want to work more closely with all of you. 

This role could be a new challenge for me, as I am still working on my communication and people skills but as a person who always believe in continuous learning and improvement I am confident in my ability in taking up this role. I am also open-minded, patient, and easy to work with. 

There are three main priorities that I will be responsible for as a VPM, and I call them the 3Rs:

Recruit: is to bring new members to our club
Retain: is to retain our current members
Regain: is to reconnect with our former members 

I will work closely with other executive officers to set up and implement details strategies in order to achieve those 3Rs and to ensure that we could keep our club momentum and move our club forward. 

Lastly, I am delighted to get a chance to serve our club in my capacity as your next VPM under the new leadership and I thank you very much for your support! 🙂 

A software engineer, a toastmaster, and a hobbyist photographer. Love to spend time reading, learning and experiencing new things, traveling, and thinking :)

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