When a man is unable to express his thoughts…

Came across a Youtube video of an interesting talk by Jonh Bowe, the author of “I Have Something to Say: Mastering the Art of Public Speaking in an Age of Disconnection“. In a part of his speech, he raised a quote by Ralph C. Smedley (the founder of Toastmasters International) which resonated with my current communication challenge and the reason I join Toastmasters.

When a man is unable to express his thoughts to his fellows, to express himself vigorously and comfortably in his business and social life, he lives a diminished existence. The greater part of his intellect, his creativity, and his very being lay dormant.

Ralph C. Smedley (Founder of Toastmasters International)

Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO71ErH_wLM

A software engineer, a toastmaster, and a hobbyist photographer. Love to spend time reading, learning and experiencing new things, traveling, and thinking :)

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