Book Review: Die Empty — Unleash Your Best Work Every Day

If you are looking for a good book to read to accelerate your personal and professional growth from inspiring to taking action, I would recommend one of my favorite books I read this year: “Die Empty — Unleash Your Best Work Every Day“ by Todd Henry. The title is a bit misleading and sounds mortality but there are plenty of useful takeaways and inspiration from this book that I thought worth sharing.

In fact, no one likes the word die, but remembering that we are going to die someday is the best way to remind us that our time on this planet earth is limit and that we need to have a sense of urgency to focus on the most important things in our life. Die Empty is not about dying with empty feelings but about releasing all your best work, your goodness, and making the unique and valuable contribution to the world before you leave.

We all have great stories, ideas, creativity, knowledge, goals, etc within us that are waiting to be released and achieved, but the illusion that keeps us from delivering them is that we always think we have time to do it tomorrow, next week, or next year. As a result, we run out of time and we leave this world with such best work unspoken, uncreated, unwritten, unshared, … Unleashing your best work every day doesn’t have to be about your job, it can be about anything you do that adds value to your life.

I enjoyed reading this book a lot since it resonated with me in many ways and with the current uncertain situation that life seems to be so fragile. I liked that Mr. Henry asked many important thought-provoking questions and provided useful and actionable tips and advice that bring clarity to my priorities.

Knowing that you are not going to live forever, what will you do differently today to make sure that your remaining time on earth will be well spent? Please share me your thought and also mention one of your favorite books that you have read this year 🙂


Some of my favorite notes from the book:

“Emptying yourself of your best work isn’t just about checking off tasks on your to-do list; it’s about making steady, critical progress each day on the projects that matter, in all areas of life.”

“Don’t go to your grave with your best work inside of you. Choose to die empty.”

“Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music—the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.” — Henry Miller

A software engineer, a toastmaster, and a hobbyist photographer. Love to spend time reading, learning and experiencing new things, traveling, and thinking :)

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