Sense of Purpose: The Key to Living our Best Life – Third Toastmasters Speech

If you were to ask me what my most fulfilling and memorable life experiences were, I could tell you they were volunteering experiences.

During my stay in Japan, I have been participating in various volunteering activities, one of which organized by an NPO called Ganbaro Miyagi which provides mental care support for children under one of their disaster recovery projects called International English Camp. As a volunteer, I was able to help children learn and have fun through different activities that allowed them to develop their sense of proactiveness, independence, and awareness to the outside world.

I also used to

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Toastmasters Timer’s Script

In today’s Toastmasters meeting I took a role as a Timer for the first time. Since it was a Zoom meeting, I used the virtual background that represented stoplight (available for download at: For the stopwatch, I used the Toastmasters mobile app ( which allowed me to easily count the time for each speech session. In addition, I had a printed timer log sheet to record the time for each speaker.

The following was my script:

Good evening everyone, in life we use time extensively to measure our

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Life is a matter of choices – My Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech

After officially joining as a member of Otemachi Toastmasters Club about a month ago, in our regular meeting session yesterday I delivered my first icebreaker speech as part of my Toastmasters Pathways project. If you are curious, the Pathways that I have chosen is Motivational Strategies.

It took me a couple of weeks to prepare, craft, and rehearse this first speech. Thanks to my mentor Mari, who kindly helped me to review the script, offered time for me to practice speaking to her, and also provided useful advice.

This was probably the first

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