Nikko Trip

This year has not yet been a friendly year for traveling. However, it is doable to travel locally in Japan recently. Thanks to the Go To Travel campaign that promoted and encourages domestic traveling by offering discount benefits for travel expenses.

Over the last weekend, I took my solo trip to Nikko in Tochigi prefecture. It is one of the popular destinations best known for its rich nature and world heritage shrines and temples. With the Nikko All Area pass, I spent four days exploring the area with unlimited bus and train rides. However, since I traveled in a relaxing

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Everybody needs a little sunshine…

It’s been a while and hope everyone is well and healthy. During these unprecedented times, some of us probably feel anxious and overwhelmed by all the uncertainty. Therefore it is essential for us to find ways to lift our spirits and mental well-being.

One of my favorite restorative activities is forest bathing or Shinrin-Yoku (森林浴). Spending some mindful time in the forest helps me to recharge and reconnect myself with nature. It also brings me a calm and peaceful state of mind.

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Life is a matter of choices – My Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech

After officially joining as a member of Otemachi Toastmasters Club about a month ago, in our regular meeting session yesterday I delivered my first icebreaker speech as part of my Toastmasters Pathways project. If you are curious, the Pathways that I have chosen is Motivational Strategies.

It took me a couple of weeks to prepare, craft, and rehearse this first speech. Thanks to my mentor Mari, who kindly helped me to review the script, offered time for me to practice speaking to her, and also provided useful advice.

This was probably the first

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