My speech as a new elected VPM of Otemachi Toastmasters Club

Hi everyone!  

Being a member of Toastmasters International, especially a member of Otemachi Toastmasters Club is something that I always feel proud of. I remember when I visited Otemachi Club for the first time, I was warmly welcomed by our current Vice President Membership (VPM) TM Hinako and by all amazing members and I immediately felt the chemistry that this is the right club for me and here I am with the club for almost one year now. 

Before I decided to run as a

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Sense of Purpose: The Key to Living our Best Life – Third Toastmasters Speech

If you were to ask me what my most fulfilling and memorable life experiences were, I could tell you they were volunteering experiences.

During my stay in Japan, I have been participating in various volunteering activities, one of which organized by an NPO called Ganbaro Miyagi which provides mental care support for children under one of their disaster recovery projects called International English Camp. As a volunteer, I was able to help children learn and have fun through different activities that allowed them to develop their sense of proactiveness, independence, and awareness to the outside world.

I also used to

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